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Author: Barnaby Milbourn
Facebook just told me I don’t post enough, so here goes. Golds rising steadily at the moment due to financial uncertainty about North Korea. A good time to get involved, we always have numerous verified sellers, so any interested investors drop us an email.
Thanks to all those who’ve written to me about the online and email attacks against myself and my company. Its an unfortunate and inevitable consequence of the job, with many fraudulent companies put out of business each week and several people going to jail over it each year, there was always going to be some backlash. Fortunately all those who work with me round the world are very supportive and it gives them a good excuse to call and do some new business!
We get around 10 offers a day from sellers at the moment. Please read the information on the website first before you send.
It’s all there for free to help everyone in this business to transact safely.
As always please be careful who you trust, check them out thoroughly first, how long has their website been around, do they have a history, etc.
Mining Machinery
A new opportunity for our sellers. We have now partnered with a Mining Machinery Company and can offer Shovels, Trucks, Generators, Crushers, Conveyors and much more! See our website, under the tab sellers for more information or contact us.
CIF Dubai
We are getting numerous offers from buyers / mandates wanting shipping to Dubai. As finding a buyer in Dubai for gold is like finding sand in the desert, id like to make it clear that unless they are offering purchase rates higher than the refineries or funding the shipping its just a waste of time.
Bombarded with Offers
We are getting inundated with gold deals (mainly from Africa) from “new” brokers / mandates. Please read the front page of the website before you get excited, it is the perfect tool to test if your deal is real before you send it out and accidentally commit fraud.
Global Armageddon – IRAN
CGSA – Global Armageddon: Iran – The Strategic Master Plan
Version 1.8.2 – 30 December 2011
Author:Babak Madadi – WWW.CGSTRAT.ORG – © 2011 by the authors.
Is there a secret master plan for Iran?
The short answer is: Beyond provoking Iran there is little evidence of a coherent master strategy. This report highlights hidden pressures which are driving the geopolitical tensions between the west and Iran along with the possible dangers. The situation is complex with many interconnected issues. Such as an energy crisis resulting in the collapse of the US empire.
Source: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Proliferation: Threat and Response, January 2001, p. 37.
Think of a stand off, with the OECD having a gun to Iran’s head, while Iran has a gun to the head of the OECD. Unfortunately the end of cheap energy is eating at the OECD like a terminal cancer. Without treatment and facing certain death the OECD will one day experience so much pain that the stand off will inevitably break down catastrophically.
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” —Henry Kissinger
During the exponential growth of humanity when there was a surplus of cheap resources, money probably provided the ultimate power to control. Now that high grade resources are fast depleting shortages are worsening.
“From now on any one who believes that money is more important than food or energy is not only an optimist but may soon be starving in the cold and dark” – Babak Madadi
Time Lines:
How soon will the US and the OECD collapse?
On current trends over the next 5-10 years there will be a rapid decline in the EROI of global energy production. This effect may be magnified by a 30-80% decline in global oil exports during this time period. As a result US and OECD power will probably rapidly collapse over the next few years. The dominance of the OECD countries which emerged during the last 500 years will probably end within 5-10 years
If Iran destroys the oil and gas facilities of the Persian gulf then the OECD economies will collapse and may lose the ability to project power at a distance within 6-30 months. Followed by a reduction in food production and carrying capacity within 3-10 years. OECD populations may decline by 80-97% within 20-50 years.
How long can Iran hold on?
Iran is self sufficient in almost all essentials from energy and raw materials to manufacturing capacity. However on current trends due to oil depletion, Iranian oil exports will decline by 50-100% over the next 5 years, causing economic stress and social unrest. As a result the current regime in Iran may collapse within 6-30 months. If the current regime in Iran collapses it will probably be replaced by a military dictatorship.
If Iran’s oil exports are successfully sanctioned or Iran is devastated by a destructive NATO bombardment then the current regime in Iran may collapse within 3-9 months. If the current regime collapses it will probably be replaced by a military dictatorship.
Some of the key facts:
- 1-Energy Return on Invested (EROI) represents a key energy factor. The EROI of an energy source is how much energy is produced for a given investment of energy. For example in the 1939 US oil returned nearly 300 barrels of oil for every oil barrel’s worth of energy consumed in the extraction process EROI 295:1[[i]]. By 2007 US oil production EROI had fallen as low as 5:1 [[ii]] and US corn ethanol production may only be producing about as much energy as is used in the production process EROI 1:1[[iii]].
- 2-Our modern globalised world depends on an essential supply of High Energy Return on Invested (EROI) fuel sources otherwise known as cheap energy.
- 3-The gross production of energy i.e. the total amount produced is not as important at the amount of cheap (High EROI) energy available. The minimum EROI required to maintain a modern civilisation may be 10:1[[iv]].
- 4-60-80% of the essential global cheap (high EROI) oil exporters on which modern civilisation depends are located in the OPEC Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
- 5-The recent war in Libya has reduced their oil exports by approximately 80%. This has left the Persian gulf as the worlds most important source of high EROI oil exports, in the process draining the OECD’s strategic petroleum reserves and all but removed global spare oil production capacity. This represents a strategic disaster for NATO of epic proportions. With most of Libyan oil production offline and reserves drained they are far more vulnerable to disruption in oil supplies.
- 6-The only other major high EROI oil exporters are Russia and the FSU. Russia and the FSU are increasingly exporting their oil directly to China.
- 7-The US is far more energy import dependent than is commonly realised. Through a combination of petrodollar recycling and imports of manufactured goods and raw materials the US is critically dependent on the virtualised import of high EROI oil.
- 8-Because 60-80% of the essential global cheap (high EROI) oil exporters are sourced from the Persian gulf states, if any disruption were to occur to the high EROI oil essential oil exports from the Persian gulf states the US would quickly be devastated. As well as the US economy its domestic manufacturing and agriculture which depends on the high EROI oil would rapidly collapse.
- 9-This US vulnerability is hidden by the large domestic production flows of low EROI oil and gas in the US. Much as the bad housing loans in US only became apparent during the recession, so too the hidden energy vulnerability of the US will become apparent if high EROI oil exports are disrupted.
- 10-This is why the US and the OECD will not leave the Persian gulf. It is not a matter of imperialism, their very survival now depends on this vital source of energy, whether directly as is the case for many European and Asian countries or indirectly as is the case for the US.
- 11-If the OECD quietly leaves the Persian gulf then Iran as the major regional power will become master of the world by default. Iran would be tempted to hold most of the worlds essential oil supply to ransom any time it felt that this was advantageous.
- 12-This is no trivial thing, high EROI oil is essential for industry and industrial agriculture. Without industrial agriculture only a fraction of the 7 billion people on the planet can exist. Any country that looses access to industrial agriculture would face social collapse and famine.
- 13-To ensure that Iran does not dominate the Persian gulf the OECD countries are putting maximum pressure on Iran.
- 14-There is great time pressure on the OECD because the effects of peak oil and peak net energy are rapidly degrading the OECDs economic and military capability. If the OECD does not act soon within a few years the balance of power will have forever shifted in favour of Iran. In the waiting game, due to the differential effects of peak oil, Iran wins by default.
- 15-As this is article is written at the end of December 2011 the worlds attention is focused on Iran’s threat to close the straights of Hormuz.
- 16-In reality the straights of Hormuz may be a side show. The western militaries are probably more than capable of clearing the straights of Hormuz. Although at its narrowest it is only wide enough for two supertankers to pass each other. A single tanker sunk sideways at this point may block Hormuz for months. Iran’s navy and air force are unlikely to last long against NATO. Within a few hours NATO stealth weapons could quickly destroy a thousand targets inside Iran, including, oil, gas, petrochemical, power, industrial and transport infrastructure. Iran would be unable to detect, much less prevent such an attack.
- 17-In 1988 Iran tried unsuccessfully to close the straights of Hormuz. In the resultant and well documented operations US military easily dealt with the issue. Culminating in a US reprisal with operation preying mantis.
- 18-In the official version of history this is where the matter ended. The Iranian military was over come and Iran capitulated in the face of overwhelmingly superior US military power.
- 19-However in the real world events did not quite unfold that way. When Iran’s attempts to attack Kuwait’s tankers failed, the Iranian response was to significantly escalate the situation by attacking Kuwait’s oil installations directly with a combination of a cruise missile and scud missile attack. Although little actual damage was done both Kuwait and the US decided to end hostilities.
- 20-In 1988 Iran’s missile capability was much more limited and unlike the present the world still had plenty of cheap (high EROI) oil.
- 21-Admittedly the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is only a little over thirty years old so there is only a relatively short history to draw upon. Even so, whether it is the eight year long Iran Iraq war or the confrontations with the western powers Iran has tended to meet force with greater force, escalation with greater counter escalation. As this report is being written Iran has responded to escalating western hostility by engaging in war games and threatening to close the straights of Hormuz. Although Iran may have chosen the period between Christmas and the new year, when most traders are on holiday, so as not to alarm the oil and stock markets.
- 22-There is indirect evidence that western governments have become very frightened by the prospects of a war with Iran. The imaginary nuclear threat was hyped up in the media while the terrifying threat prospects of an oil apocalypse is either played down or censored.
- 23-With the worlds attention focused on Iran’s threat to close the straights of Hormuz there is little discussion on the impact of an Iranian missile strike on the oil and gas facilities of the Persian gulf.
- 24-In August of 2011 a research paper addressing this very issue was published by MIT press[[v]]. The main point being that Iran’s existing missile forces were neither numerous nor accurate enough to pose a threat. As a result it was suggested that a US presence in the region was not required.
- 25-However there were several key assumption and omissions in the research. First that Iran would not be deploying cluster bomb warheads on its missiles. Something that Iran has been publicly known to have developed many years ago[[vi]]. More importantly the greatest unknown, is whether to defeat Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) systems the warhead has been set to release its cluster bombs as soon as the missile enters a ballistic trajectory just twenty seconds into its three hundred second flight. Such a tactic would defeat all known and projected ABM systems. Given that such a concept is both well known and publicly discussed it would be surprising if it were not already implemented.
- 26-With early warhead release traditional accuracy improvement measures such as missile spin up degrade performance. This fact makes Iran’s stockpile of relatively primitive short range missiles such as Scuds potentially very deadly. The early warhead release may scatter the one thousand cluster bombs over an approximately one thousand meter diameter footprint, therefore a two hundred meter circle of error probability is not as relevant.
- 27-The critical issue would then be the time required to repair and rebuild such facilities. One of the important targets discussed in the MIT research paper was the Saudi desulphurisation facilities which remove the poisonous and explosive hydrogen sulphide[[vii]] from sour oil. When hydrogen sulphide burns it can produce sulphur dioxide[[viii]] and sulphuric acid, both of which are corrosive. Imagine a burning facility covered in sour oil, full of poisonous hydrogen sulphide and the whole place covered in sulphuric acid residue. Repair workers are forced to wear protective clothing in a hot desert.
- 28-Natural gas facilities filled with flammable and explosive gas are even more vulnerable. Any of the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) facilities in Qatar could easily be destroyed. These LNG facilities are like giant gun powder kegs, except LNG is much more unstable than gun powder and has much more explosive energy. It may take years to repair or replace such facilities. Consider that LNG facilities are so vulnerable that if instead of high explosives, a missile warhead simply filled with ball bearings travelling at hypersonic speeds may be sufficient to cause destruction.
- 29-It is therefore somewhat surprising that the UK, a country dependent on LNG from Qatar is taking such a hostile and provocative stance towards Iran.
- 30-Since an Iranian attack on persian gulf oil and gas facilities would be as destructive as a full scale global nuclear war the whole issue of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons may be irrelevant.
- 31-The western powers appear to be determined to provoke Iran by one means or another. This strategic approach is in some ways hard to understand. When dealing with North Korea the west and the world have adopted a policy of decreasing tensions given North Korea’s current instability and possession of nuclear weapons.
- 32-As far as can be determined from anecdotal reports Iran is also currently undergoing a great deal of internal instability. This is not caused by civil unrest but instead by what appears to be a titanic internal power struggle.
- 33-In 2010 during the previous round of tension between the west and Iran, I travelled to Tehran to explain the growing pressures on the OECD and plead with Iranian officials not to carry out a doomsday attack on oil and gas facilities, as this could well end human civilisation and kill greater than 90% of the population of the world. I was reassured that Iran’s government was responsible and would not act unprovoked.
- 34-Many of the senior officials that I personally met in 2010 have either lost power or have been imprisoned during Iran’s internal power struggle.
- 35-At such a sensitive time for Iran the OECD has decided to pressure Iran instead of coming to an accommodation.
- 36-Over the last thirty years Iran has met every hostile escalation with an even greater escalation of its own. Iran’s military has repeatedly publicly stated that if they suspected an attack on Iran they would act preemptively against the whole region.
- 37-There is a great deal of discussion regarding how Iran would retaliate if attacked. However Iran’s military has always publicly stated their battle plan is a preemptive launch on suspicion. The red line may not be an outright attack, for Iran’s military the mere suspicion may be sufficient grounds for war.
- 38-Increasing tension with an aggressive Iran, already armed with a possible doomsday arsenal and a preemptive launch on suspicion battle plan may not have a happy ending.
- 39-It may be that NATO has found some as yet unknown technology to counter this threat or is hoping to use psychological warfare to prevent its use, or perhaps NATO war planners are just hoping for some kind of “luck”. We suspect they may be disappointed.
- 40-It has been suggested that war would be good for the western military industrial complex/bankers/powers that be, however given the scale of the resulting collapse in energy and food supplies this would appear to be unlikely.
- 41-The collapse would likely be counterintuitive in its speed and extent. A gradual population decline of 80-97% taking 20-50 years. It would manifest as a grinding EROI collapse. Too fast to reverse to slow to escape by hiding in a bunker. Those in power would find themselves striped of power then along with their families hunted down and killed much as some middle eastern and north African leaders have been.
- 42-To put the scale of the EROI problem in perspective consider that even if “the powers that be” had decided to remove 60-80% of the excess population in the OECD countries by airburst detonating clean burning thermo nuclear bombs against their own cities while hiding in bunkers, this would still be inadequate for the task. The end result would still be the same total catastrophic civilisation wide collapse and their own deaths.
- 43-As far as it is possible to calculate the only viable remedy is to use the EROI boosting techniques we are currently researching. One thing is very obvious, even with global cooperation it will be a very close thing and not without considerable pain, and it is almost certainly impossible if anything were to happen to the high EROI energy in the persian gulf.
- 44-Amazingly not only does the OECD not appear to have a plan B there does not even appear to be a plan A.
- 45-If you come across a man covered in petrol playing with matches you can guess one of two things either he does not understand what he is doing or he has some psychological issues.
- 46-Given the stakes and the attitude of some of the actors the world may now be in more danger than at the height of the Cuban missile crisis.
- 47-Like two men standing knee deep in petrol playing with matches, in the aftermath it won’t matter who started it.
- 48-I do not know if those in power in the west have a secret master plan for dealing with Iran, but I sure hope they know what they are doing, otherwise their time in power may soon be cut short.
- 49-CGSA is working on research designed to mitigate the worst effects of an emerging economic, geopolitical, energy and food crisis due to the decline in availability of cheap energy. For the second time in two years we have had to put on hold our primary research effort to address more immediate concerns with geopolitical tensions.
Energy depletion and EROI decline is causing global economic stress, wars and civil unrest. The structure of modern society is dependent on cheap (high EROI) energy and resources. Without new specialised technological infrastructure and processes to reverse this trend, global collapse is inevitable within the next 5-10 years.
There are two immediate related dangers. First a stressed and dying OECD and [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC) pressuring or attacking Iran which provokes an Iranian response. Second a threatened and cornered Iran destroying the oil and gas facilities of the Persian gulf thereby destroying human civilisation.
The primary challenge is to reduce then reverse the rate of EROI decline. If this challenge is not dealt will all parties risk total collapse over the next few years.
Iran and the OECD/GCC must quickly come to an accommodation. This will allow all parties to concentrate on dealing with the primary challenge.
To provide a short report concepts have been greatly simplified. In addition a detailed analysis of energy depletion along with the rapidly worsening food and water security challenges of the [P]GCC and its geopolitical implications have been omitted.
Due to the sensitive nature of this topic some information has been omitted.
[i] Megan C. Guilford, Charles A.S. Hall, Pete O’ Connor and Cutler J. Cleveland, A New Long Term Assessment of Energy Return on Investment (EROI) for U.S. Oil and Gas Discovery and Production. Sustainability 2011, 3, 1874. accessed December 2011, http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/3/10/1866/pdf
[ii] Ibid
[iii] David J. Murphy Charles A. S. Hall Bobby Powers. New perspectives on the energy return on (energy) investment (EROI) of corn ethanol. Environ Dev Sustain (2011) 13:179
[iv] Charles A. S. Hall, Stephen Balogh and David J. R. Murphy. What is the Minimum EROI that a Sustainable Society Must Have?. Energies 2009, 2, 45. Accessed December 2011, http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/2/1/25/pdf
[v] Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson and Miranda Priebe. A Crude Threat The Limits of an Iranian Missile Campaign against Saudi Arabian Oil. International Security, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Summer 2011), pp. 167–201
[vi] “Sharab missiles, carrying cluster warheads, with a range of 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles), were fired from the desert near Qom.”, Federation Of American Scientists, Shahab-3, Accessed December 2011, http://www.fas.org/programs/ssp/man/militarysumfolder/shahab-3.html
[vii] Wikipedia. Hydrogen sulfide. Accessed December 2011, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_sulfide
[viii] Wikipedia. sulphur dioxide. Accessed December 2011, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur_dioxide
The EU Web of Debt
It’s November 2011, you cannot turn on a TV, listen to a radio or open a newspaper without the European Union Debt Crisis being thrust down your throat. Depending on where you live, you are either being told your taxes will need raising to pay for it, or more austerity and cuts will be needed to avert it. Most likely both!
One minute it’s PIIGS, then Greece is tipping us over the edge single handed, before Italy starts to feel left out and piles into the melee. The joys of a unified currency.
Those of us sitting prettily in the UK wiping the sweat from our brow, not having joined the Euro, can stop looking smug. We are owed 120 billion Euros by Germany, 186 billion Euros by France, 93 billion Euros by Ireland and that’s just a few of our neighbours! We are up to our necks in Euro debt.
With such huge figures being thrown about, you begin to wonder how all this debt was created? Where did it come from? Who had all this money to lend to the European Union?
Ridiculously the answer is every country in the EU! As debt costs nothing to create, you can theoretically lend an infinite amount of money to other countries even though you never had it in the first place. It’s just numbers on a computer. We mentioned earlier that France owed Britain 186 billion Euros but Britain owes France 194 billion Euros.
I’m sure it’s not just me that had the Eureka moment just then, that if you owe someone £10 and they owe you £8 you can work out that you actually just owe £2 and they owe you nothing? Pretty basic maths by anyone’s standards!
You may be thinking that it’s just not that simple, surely it can’t be? Well you are right. Countries lending is also based on the term of the loans. If you have a 1 year loan for £100 at 10% interest and a 3 year loan for £100 at 10% interest, then the 3 year loan is worth more to you, as you are gaining more interest overall and therefore earning more money.
A minor adjustment is required to the original Eureka moment. To cancel debts you need to sort them into short, medium and long term loans and then we are able to cancel debts of similar values.
Getting into the swing of it, there is an even deeper level of debt cancellation! If Mr X owes Mr Y £100 and Mr Y owes Mr Z £80 and Mr Z owes Mr X £50 then you can partially cross cancel debt by agreement of 3 parties.
Before going any further, it is time to assess what we are working with. How much debt is out there? Trying to get the answers to this is astronomically difficult but a great visual representation from a report entitled “The Great EU Debt Write Off” (May 20th 2011, Anthony J Evans & Terence Tse) is shown below:
Though this only takes into account the major European countries, these are the ones with the largest debts; Britain’s debt alone is shown as nearly 1 trillion Euros. (As of November 2011 Britain now owes 1.4 trillion Euros to the rest of the EU)
Debt doesn’t really matter though if you are owed more than you lent out. (theoretically)
Another factor to take into consideration is that debt is normally measured against the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of a country. A large country like Britain can afford a greater debt than Greece as the economy is proportionally bigger. The IMF states that to be considered for membership to the EU your debt to GDP ratio should not exceed 60%, where as currently Ireland is well over 100% and climbing.
So once you narrow it down and take away the layers of concealment you reveal the countries with the real underlying debt issues. Put simply, those who owe more than they are owed.
Shown below, using the same visual representation after our debt cancellation procedures have been taken into account.
Just using the basic principles of debt cancellation previously mentioned we can clearly see certain countries are MUCH better off than before.
France has actually managed to reduce its debt to less than 1 billion Euros! Even Britain has reduced its debt by more than 50%.
Further debt cancellation is also possible using 4 parties or more, though in this scenario it has not been taken into account.
Another small contributing factor to the debt reduction above was allowing countries to have the option to negotiate debts of different lengths at different values. As an example a short debt of 3 billion for a long debt of 1 billion, as they will earn the country a similar overall interest.
Overall Findings
- Total debt can be reduced by over 59%
- Average debt to GDP can be reduced from 35% to 12%
- Ireland, Italy, Spain, Britain, France & Germany can reduce overall debt by more than 50%
- Irelands debt to GDP ratio goes from 140% down to 20%
- France can virtually eliminate debt to less than 0.1% of GDP
Other Interesting Facts
- 50% of Portugal’s debt is owed to Spain
- Ireland and Italy can write off all their debt to other PIIGS countries
- Greece can reduce their debt by 20% with 60% owed to France and 30% to Germany
- Britain has the highest debt before and after the debt cancellation but can reduce their debt to GDP by 30%
- Germany can reduce their debt to less than 5% of GDP
- Prior to adding bailouts, Greece’s debt to GDP is only 36% before and under 30% after
Were UK taxpayers duped into the bank bailout?
We all know of the disastrous condition of our global banking system and the havoc it has caused over the last 4 years since the recession started to bite. Talks of a double dip recession are comical as we need to leave the first one before we think about entering another!
The austerity measures imposed were felt worldwide with increased taxation measures, cut backs, rampant inflation and reduced borrowing. It is a complex and truly mammoth topic so I shall focus on one small island, which is representative of each and every country affected by this calamity.
Yes, of course, I am referring to my own fair shores, the United Kingdom.
UK taxpayers have been battered by increased taxes over the last few years and the bank bailout, purported to cost the UK taxpayers an extra £50 billion (that’s £50,000,000,000) was one of the largest nails in the coffin.
No small amount and a bitter pill to swallow but of course it gave us the benefit of having a greater control over the banks by taking a shareholding. Therefore like any shareholder we will benefit from payouts as these companies profit, ultimately reducing our tax bills. Right?
Royal Bank of Scotland was the main target in this debacle and under the new regime the taxpayer effectively controls 60%, with the merger of Lloyds, TSB and HBOS the taxpayer controls 40%. Barclays was the final bank, but declined government aid to raise its own capital.
Now I’m going slightly off topic to the USA but it will become self evident why I am shortly. More specifically I’m going to the Federal Reserve and their recent lending, which was reported in the Government Accountability Office Report published in July 2011.
All of you must know of the report to the Congressional Addressees? Being the world’s most important report ever published and affecting the entire GLOBAL economy as the single biggest report ever issued on the world’s reserve currency.
You’ve seen it? Read it? At least heard of it? Surely ever major news agency covered this as one of the most dangerous financial reports to have hit the economy in recent years. Ok, Ok, enough with the sarcasm, no neither did I. I hunted it down after finding out it existed and retain a copy of it for posterity. What damming evidence could this report contain that the press would suppress such an important document? The report covers lending from the Federal Reserve to major worldwide financial and banking institutions between December 2007 and July 2010. It’s a weighty tome of 266 pages but buried right in the centre on page 133 is where it gets interesting.
I will write a full report in due time and even publish the document online for others to peruse at their leisure, but for now I will return to the UK shoreline and our ‘taxpayer controlled’ banks.
In these 32 months (Dec ’07 to Jul ’10) we have partially ‘owned’ RBS it has borrowed from the Federal Reserve a total of $541,000,000,000. That is not a typo, that is 541 billion dollars (approx £345 billion), nearly 7 times our bailout package. If £50 billion buys you 60% then surely the Federal Reserve now owns 414%?
Similarly the Bank of Scotland is listed as having borrowed $181,000,000,000 and Barclays a staggering $868,000,000,000. These 3 banks alone have borrowed more than $1.59 trillion (approx £986 billion).
The report shows that in 32 months the Federal Reserve lent over $16 trillion. Just over $500 billion EVERY month. I dread to think what the last years unreported figures are.
I have yet to see a report from the banks showing these figures, how much they have paid back and how on earth they intend to pay the rest, but rest assured in today’s economy recession it will eventually fall squarely on the shoulders of those who allowed them to get away with it. (By the way if you’re reading this, I’m talking about YOU the taxpayer)
With crisis after crisis devaluing the currency, it will only take one straw to break the camel’s back. Surely this tome would raise it to the ground, yet press suppression and apathy keep it from having its ultimate effect.
As banks (including some of those previously mentioned) suddenly start to increase Gold reserves you must wonder to what end?
(1) If quantitative easing (money printing) is truly a limitless supply of free money and can go on indefinitely, what possible use could they have for such a shiny asset?
(2) Alternatively if this exponential process of money printing has an impassable ceiling defined by consumer confidence, then how far off can it be before we collide with it?
The UK debt is officially £950 billion, yet just the 3 banks listed above appear to have borrowed MORE than that figure in just 32 months.
Whatever currency you work in, USD, GBP or Euro, prepare for one of the two scenarios above to happen. I know which one I’m betting on and I’m already preparing for the inevitable outcome.