Gold Price Predictions

Dear Reader

You will have seen the soaring prices of Gold over the last month. Press have had a field day with Gold as all our predictions are coming true. The Zen Gold ATM even made it onto the One Show on BBC!

Orders are through the roof and for the first time in our history we are unable to complete on an order due to the lack of Gold in the UK! Yes, really! No dealer in Britain has enough stock to supply my customer and I know them all. (It’s not even a big order!)

For those of you who have been on your yearly holidays or hiding in a box just go online to see whats going on in the world before it’s too late. If you want proof of the suppression of gold go to Bloomberg and read any of their latest articles, on the ‘plummeting’ price and recent losses. (Gold made a profit of over 9% this month and 25% in the last 6 months!!)

So what will Gold go to? Is it at a peak? Is Silver better?

Find out on my presentations which can be found on youtube by typing in Zen Gold or on the website at : Gold & Silver Seminar. Its 1 hour long split down into 15 minute segments. A great summary of Gold and Silver as money and the economy including price predictions and future events. Recorded in Jan 2011 you will see many of the things I foresaw have already happened.

A huge name in the world Gold market is Mike Maloney and for those who don’t want to take my word for it can watch his video at : $20,000 Gold. That’s right he is predicting Gold to go to $20,000 an ounce and has the data to prove it. Its 1.5 hours long so make sure you have time.

As I write this the last market close of Gold was $1760.